Real Life Moments When Co-Workers Acted Like Total Karens

Liar, Liar


We have a pathological liar at the bank I work for. She’s just an intern—on calls with the NYC office, she said she went to Yale. We noticed. Girl, I’ve seen your resume, it’s the local state school, and there’s no shame in that, it’s a quality education.

Plus, you know lots of people here know people from that Ivy school, right? Or went there? But here lies only get bigger from there. She’s dating a brain surgeon who also has cancer. Girl, we found the picture that you sent us on Tinder. One of us matched with him. He doesn’t know you.

She’s been accepted to Harvard Business school, but instead is accepting an offer with a big consulting firm. She’s in an abusive relationship and was thrown through a glass wall, injuring her wrist, which healed somehow without scars.

Finally, she was called into the MD’s office. Legal was there too. They confronted her about her lies. Now she had tonsillitis surgery and is too unwell to come in for the remaining two weeks of her internship. And this is how you lose your chance of getting an offer.


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