Real Life Moments When Co-Workers Acted Like Total Karens

Find Out Who Did This


I was a production control analyst in a call center about 10 years ago. I saw and heard more than you’d probably believe, and helped to term out more people than I will ever be comfortable with. The most insane but true complaint came from the housekeeping staff.

The janitor walked up to me one day and said, “I got to close the men’s restroom for a bit. I don’t know who done it, but you need to find him.” Someone had smeared poop all over the walls in there.

It took some detective work, but we found him; a guy had been hiding his mental issues when he started work there, and apparently, he hadn’t been taking his medications in a while because he didn’t want us to find out, even though he had insurance through us.

So he went nuts and started smearing his own poop all over the restrooms. There were apparently some other aberrations that led us to him and were listed as the actual behavioral reasons for his termination, but I never got the details.


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