Real Life Moments When Co-Workers Acted Like Total Karens

Swept Under the Rug


Two employees had a serious issue due to both being loudmouthed and polar religious opposites, one called corporate and got people needlessly shifted around between locations.

The guy who called corporate is now at my location and he’s lazy. I’ve gotten three complaints about him from client-company employees in the 1.5 weeks he’s been here and he already managed to wreck a company vehicle.

An ex-employee keeps showing up wanting to “visit people.” He was removed from the premises last year under threat of trespassing charges, but our company has no official protocol for what to do if an ex-employee actually shows up.

Official instructions are to let it happen and sweep it under the rug afterward, as long as it’s on weekends. Oh, and our electrical room where everything is running 480v keeps threatening to flood whenever it rains. That’s fun.


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