Real Life Moments When Co-Workers Acted Like Total Karens

I Witnessed It First-Hand


I had a number of complaints about a new member of staff soon after she started. They said that she kept taking off her shoes, pulling dry skin from her feet, and eating it. I thought the other staff was lying and being mean about her just because they didn’t like her…Until I saw her do it.

She didn’t finish the week, but not because we fired her. She quit about a week later. She didn’t really get on with the other staff because they all thought she was a bit gross, and she quickly got into a bad mood because of it.

That said, I’m not entirely blaming her. It’s a small group of staff, and they all collectively decide pretty quickly if they like or dislike someone. If they decide they like you, you’re golden.

If they decide they don’t like you, however, you are shut out. By all of them. It’s quite a brutal environment psychologically. She got cold-shouldered pretty quickly, and left before the week was out.


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