Real Life Moments When Co-Workers Acted Like Total Karens

Common Name, Uncommon Problem


I worked in the Air Force. HR called me and said they wanted me to go over to their office. I got interrogated for about 10 minutes, with them accusing me of indulging in substances and hanging out with some other dude I barely knew.

After me arguing with them for those ten minutes or so, they finally said, “Aren’t you this Airman s0-and-so with the common last name?”

I was like, “Yeah, but there’s multiple Airman s0-and-so’s with the common last name in my shop alone.” Turns out, they meant a different person completely.

They saw my last name and never checked my ID or asked my first name. I had to get read into the investigation because they messed up so badly. Someone should have had to go to HR for that.


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