Real Life Moments When Co-Workers Acted Like Total Karens

He Got What Was Coming to Him


I found out that this guy was stalking a female employee. We worked at a 24-hour retailer and she was a morning shift worker while he was a night shift worker.

Basically, there was no way they knew each other. Then, one day, I was filling in for a different manager and he came into the break room, taking pictures of the morning shift schedule.

I asked him why and he told me some story about another employee who just wanted him to send their schedule to them. I came in on my day off later that week during the day shift and caught him staring at her from a different aisle while she was stocking.

She had no idea. The full story was so creepy, though. He would follow her home and watch her house and all that. She was 17, he was 38. I called the authorities and had him escorted off the property.

I also helped her get in touch with the right resources for a restraining order. He ended up violating the order multiple times and the last I heard, he’s behind bars.


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