Real Life Moments When Co-Workers Acted Like Total Karens

Taking Time to Adjust


I got fired for having depression and being forthcoming about it. The symptoms started after I started to get drowsy from a new medication I was put on. All I’d asked for was two days off in a year to just spend time at home while I was adjusting to the new meds.

I got a letter on my desk from my boss after I came back. Its contents destroyed my life. It was titled “Termination of employment” and specifically asked me to come to a meeting two days later with HR.

I strode in and told them that if they were honestly firing me for having depression, that was fine; but they could not say it was for my performance, which I know for a darn fact has been fantastic.

They doubled down and said that they were not able to accommodate someone with my “unique circumstances.” Honestly, screw those people.


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