Real Life Moments When Co-Workers Acted Like Total Karens

A Toxic Relationship


I visited this one Brazilian family weekly. The couple had a tumultuous relationship—he ran around on her all the time and was known to give her a smack every now and then.

Any time she spoke up, he threatened to kick her out. She was undocumented and he wasn’t, so she and her kids would have been homeless or worse.

The social worker and I had been secretly working with her for a while, trying to get the authorities involved, etc. Then, one day, I was doing therapy with the baby when the husband came out to show me the revolver he just bought. 

His next words were appalling—he said he got it so that he could “deal with anyone who messed with his family.” I felt terrible because they pulled me out of the home right away and left the baby there.

I don’t know what happened to that family. Worst of all, our Brazilian translator just brushed it off, saying, “Eh, that’s just how Brazilian marriages are. “ It broke my heart.


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