Real Life Moments When Co-Workers Acted Like Total Karens

I’ll Come Back Later


I used to be a math tutor for high school kids back when I was in university. I was teaching this one 15-year-old kid, Chris, who had a 20-year-old sister who still lived at home.

I was going over a geometry problem with him one day when his father started screaming in the living room, calling for the daughter to come out. They had an epic fight, with the father calling her every name in the book.

Chris and I were cowering in his room trying to figure out what was happening. Later on, we found out what really happened and our jaws dropped. Turns out, his sister had cheated on her ex-boyfriend and he found out a few months after the break-up.

Instead of being the bigger man, her ex decided to mail them all the intimate pictures he had amassed of her during their time together.

He also sent a note confirming that he had found out about the cheating. Usually, our lessons last one hour, but I ended up staying three hours that time because the fight lasted so long.

I ended up sneaking out because I didn’t want to trouble them about paying me that time. I mean, they already had enough issues.


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