Our Lives Are Strange to Her

My mother-in-law is a judgemental old bat who doesn’t understand or like me, or really her son. In the past, she’s expressed her opinions about every aspect of our lives being “strange” to her. I thought we had come to a nice point about jewelry, but apparently not. I only mildly care, because I’m pretty low contact with her at this point. My husband is going to Florida by himself next weekend, and my mother-in-law is confused. Background: Because my father was tacky enough to pass during the holiday season, without even considering her plans, I haven’t seen her in months.
My husband dealt with his family entirely during this time, and sheltered me from any comments she made after she told me that she wanted him to go to her stupid party instead of my father’s funeral. I’ve spent the last few months dealing with will and banking issues, as well as supporting my mom. My work has been super supportive and flexible, but still taken all my PTO and I’m doing a lot of “work from home” and catch up at weird hours/weekends, whatever. I cannot take a vacation right now. At the same time, we live in a winter place, and while this winter hasn’t been the worst, my husband still wants/needs some sunshine, and I want a husband who isn’t moping around with Seasonal Affective Disorder.
I have absolutely no spoons for him right now, so off to Florida he goes, while I will probably spend the weekend catching up on work. Usually we would take a week in March or a mini-break around now, but it won’t work for us this year. All caught up? Great. So, we had dinner with them a few days ago, and my husband mentions this plan. MIL: “…So you’re leaving her by herself.” Me: (foolishly thinks she cares that I clearly need a break as well, and/or to express some sort of concern for my well-being): “Well I wish I…”
MIL: (voice rising)” How do you two even stay together?? This isn’t even a real marriage! You have separate names and bank accounts and you won’t have children and YOU DON’T EVEN WEAR HIS RING!!” Me: “…..Nope.” I got up, told them goodnight, and left the restaurant. I think she was sputtering something, but I honestly only heard buzzing. As I was waiting for a Lyft, my husband found me. His dad called, and he answered and said, “I’ll call you guys in a few days. Keep her away from us until then.” She hasn’t reached out to me, and if she has to my husband he’s keeping it to himself. Story credit: Reddit / DeeplyBison