Wrong Day, Wrong Time

My mother-in-law got off the phone a little while ago with my fiancé. She was trying to convince him to name our daughter Elizabeth after her mother…which I hate and so does he. He gently let her down because he says the more firm you are with her, the more combative she becomes. I’ve only met them a handful of times as they live in Arizona we are in NYC. So she called me. She said: “You know, it would mean so much to me if you were to name my grandchild Elizabeth.” But I had had it.
I said: “Didn’t your son just tell you no? Isn’t that what he said? (She tried to interrupt, I cut her off) Did you think if you called me with your sickly sweet voice that I would somehow cave, because I can assure you all you’re doing is making me angry and tap dancing on my last nerve.” She said: “Well, I feel I should have some sort of say in my grandchild’s naming.” Side-note: This woman has pressured her other daughters-in-law into naming their children names she has picked out.
Wrong witch, wrong time, wrong day. I said: “Your feelings are irrelevant, you are not the parent.” She said: “I’m the grandmother.” I said: “Yes, the parent of one of the parents, know your role. You can visit, dote on, spend time with our child as we as her parents deem acceptable, but please do not think your job is to raise our daughter, because it is not. So no, you do not get a say in what we name her. It is strictly between me and her dad.” I continued: “Is there anything else you want to say?”
She’s silent. I took that as a no, and just said goodnight and then I hung up. I know I might have been harsh, but with all I’m going through I just don’t have the patience. My husband is now on the phone with her, telling her she should not have upset me considering my condition. He’s beyond angry too, but honestly I’m fine. I said what I meant and I truly meant what I said. Story credit: Reddit