Paying For the Damages

At college, we basically had a living room, a bathroom, a separate room with a sink, and two bedrooms. I was two days away from moving out when I noticed that our A/C vent in the sink room was leaking water. Within five minutes, the dripping turned to a stream.
Another 10 minutes later, I heard more dripping coming from the bathroom. Before I knew it, water was literally pouring from the top of the window in my living room. It was literally raining inside. It took about an hour of continual rain before school officials turned off the water.
My room was completely flooded with about two inches of water everywhere. When the school officials investigated the situation, they found out a disturbing truth.
As it turns out, the people above us, who hated my roommate and me, packed up all their things and moved out earlier than they were supposed to. Ok, whatever; they broke the rules and didn’t follow the move-out procedure, but how did the flooding start you may ask?
THEY STUFFED THE SHOWER DRAIN WITH TOWELS AND PURPOSELY FLOODED THEIR DORM SO WE WOULD GET FLOODED TOO! Needless to say, we were told that they would be paying for all damages to their floor, our ceiling, our floor, and the ceiling and floor of the person below us.
I heard they also got expelled from school, but I’m not sure on that one. Story credit: Reddit / YaboyRipTide