Real Life People Share the Worst Experiences With Their Neighbors

Too Much Work


Our neighbor just screams and goes on these long rants, then slams doors while continuing to make a scene. It happens any hour of the day and can last between five minutes to an hour continuing on and off throughout the day. We can hear her with all the doors closed despite our house being double bricked.

We’ve tried talking to her which has led to nowhere. The authorities can’t do anything as it’s not consistent, nor can the local government as it’s just an anti-social behavior. 

So, the officers told us a harsh reality—we just have to deal with it. We can’t get in contact with the homeowner, so our next bet is to figure out which real estate agent is managing the property and put through a formal complaint.

It sounds like a lot of work and might not even fix anything. Story credit: Reddit / Thelostandthefound

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