Justice Was Served

My next-door neighbor would leave her Pitbulls out in the garden, all day, every day, with no food or water regardless of the weather. There could be a storm and she’d leave them both outside in the rain, crying. There could be a heatwave and she’d leave them outside with no shade.
Once I picked up on it, I knocked on her door and asked her to bring the dogs in because leaving them outside was obviously neglect. She would tell me to mind my own business, but she’d yell at her kids to bring the dogs inside.
Once I noticed that she didn’t learn her lesson, I contacted the Royal Society for the Prevention of Harm to Animals over and over until they sent out a letter to her. She had the nerve to act like she had no idea why they were contacting her.
She came up to me in the street and said, “Can you believe I got this letter, saying I hurt my dogs”? I kept contacting them because, despite knowing that the Royal Society was watching her, she still didn’t change her behavior. She honestly didn’t care about those poor dogs.
They would jump at my fence whenever I was in the garden, practically begging. My sisters would give them bowls of water and feed them dog biscuits whenever she wasn’t home. One day, she was yelling and her kids were crying, so I went to see what was going on.
Justice was served that day—it turns out that the Society was removing the dogs from her because of the neglect. It took a few months, but I was so happy to see them going to a better home. Story credit: Reddit