It Must Be Tiring

Not a single one of our neighbors can stand this girl on our street. She’s angered everyone on all sides of her. Her son’s a cop so she’ll send him over to yell at you if you do any of her pet peeves. She did that about one of our dogs as she hates animals.
My wife answered the door, and the son thought he could manipulate her, but he had no idea who he was messing with. The poor kid got an earful from my wife, who then called his captain to complain about the “momma’s boy” who lived next door and was harassing people. It was hilarious.
She regularly gets into it with her neighbor on the other side, which is a mistake, since that woman is taking care of a dementia-suffering husband and puts up with zero nonsense. I can hear her regularly telling her to get bent.
Her college-aged other son comes home now and they get into shouting matches in the backyard, calling each other names and such. It must be tiring to be so horrible all the time. Story credit: Reddit / Penny_can