They Bail Each Other Out

I hate my neighbors. They were busted by SWAT last summer. I had to call into work because of the barricades. No arrests were made and I never got the story on that. While we live in houses, we do not have fences around the backyard.
They have a dog and they used to sit on their porch while the dog roamed the neighborhood. It seemed harmless, but it was far from that. They’d just let him out to roam the neighborhood while in their house. In the winter, they’d put on a coat and leave him out for hours.
Then, they’d stand on their porch screaming, “PETE! PETE”! forever at 11 in the evening. Pete eventually disappeared…I think someone else in the neighborhood took him in.
We can also hear them yelling at each other. So can people across the street. The authorities are out at least once a week arresting one of them. They always bail each other out. They also borrowed jumper cables and never returned them.
Then, they came over last week asking for another set of jumper cables. My boyfriend told them that we already loaned them to him and they weren’t returned. The neighbors told us they were going to sue us for accusing them of thievery. Story credit: Reddit / Mandabeth5