Who Let the Dogs Out?

First, my neighbors have four mini-Dachshunds that never shut up. I cannot even open my backdoor without these little dogs going off, and they just leave their dogs outside all day long. I enjoy sitting outside on a nice day and reading, but nope, I can’t concentrate over the ear-splitting constant yapping.
Now, I am a dog person—I own dogs and love dogs—but this complete lack of consideration is mind boggling. Second, they rent and I own, but the crazy wife told me she owns a three-inch strip of my property and that they’d be moving the fence over.
I don’t have a huge yard, so three inches is a lot of space. Did I mention THEY RENT? I brought out my survey papers to say, “No, you don’t own it and no, you aren’t going to be moving the fence”, and she responded that they had their own survey (but refused to show it to me).
Third, and perhaps worst of all so far, they seem to think it’s not a big deal if they come into my yard. I came home from work one day to find they’d moved their water drainage into my backyard. They complained about my tree and asked me to cut it down. I said no.
They put their garbage cans in my driveway. I’ve witnessed the wife empty her vacuum cleaner in my driveway. She has blown piles of leaves that haven’t even come from my tree into my driveway.
Even after I put locks on my gate, she climbed up on a ladder, LEANED OVER THE FENCE, and blew all the leaves IN MY YARD THAT WERE ALREADY IN PILES. After that, I put up cameras and had future plans to press charges for trespassing the next time this crazy lady pulled another stunt.
She accused me of calling the authorities about her daughter’s car, but I didn’t. She also accused me of putting up a note complaining about her garbage, but I didn’t. She has called the health department multiple times on me for my grass being too long.
It wasn’t, and the health department did not cite me. Listen, all I want to do when I come home after a day at work is hang out with my dogs and not talk to anyone or deal with anything. I don’t know what to do about her. Story credit: Reddit