All Over a Parking Spot

My neighbor got his cop buddies to come over and put stickers on our cars, claiming they were unlawfully parked. We had to move them so he would have room for his guests to park. I bought a corner lot in a newer subdivision, so I have a curb and sidewalk on two sides of my property.
The side of my house has plenty of room for parking which my stepson and I sometimes use. This neighbor bought a house on the other side of the street and he doesn’t have a lot of street parking for his lot. He claims that the parking on my side of the road is his because it is across the street from his house.
When confronted about the fact that it is just parking and that it, in no way, belongs to him, me, or anybody, he offered a threatening response—he told us he knows “people” who could take care of this.
He also picked this time to scream pretty specific mean things about all his new neighbors and how each one was like he is, watching us. Story credit: Reddit / Deathtastic