He Doesn’t Have a Leg to Stand On

My neighbor had two access roads to his property. He insisted on using the lane road that cut through our property, despite the fact that it was the longer, less-developed route.
He didn’t have an easement or anything; he just assumed that since he had to drive through our property to get to that lane road, he was allowed to do so. He was totally rude to us for no reason.
He never said hi, and he’d get upset if we were too close to his property despite the fact that he literally drove through our property every day. Revenge came when lightning struck a tree in the woods and it fell right across the access to the lane road…on OUR property.
He hired a service to chop the tree up and told them they could have the wood as part of the payment. He thought he could get away with it, but my dad wasn’t having any of that.
He walked down there with a copy of the sale documents, pointed out the marker that clearly separated our land from our neighbor’s land, got the neighbor to admit that the tree in question was on our land, not his, and then he sent the crew packing.
He told them if they took so much as a branch from that tree, it was theft, and he, a lawyer, would see them in court for it. It’s been over 15 years and that tree is still laying across the access to the lane road.
He can still access his property via the other road, so he didn’t have a leg to stand on to force an easement. Story credit: Reddit / Notsolittleliongirl