Do Not Let This Man In

My neighbor Jerry was horrible. When I moved in, he seemed eccentric but harmless…until he started to stalk me. Apparently, my landlord had a conversation with him and told him to leave me alone. This upset Jerry greatly.
He cornered me one day while I was unlocking my door and asked me to sit with him in his apartment. I don’t think the place had ever been cleaned and he had a hoarder mentality. He drank a bottle in about 30 minutes and started commenting on all the sad things in his life.
Luckily, he passed out, so I could leave. A couple of weeks later, he got into an early morning fight with his boyfriend, which resulted in his boyfriend trying to get into my apartment for safety. He eventually broke into an empty unit down the hall.
Officers were called and Jerry was taken to lockup. About a week after that, the same boyfriend was over at his place and another fight between them ensued. This time, it ended in a very loud moment of passion.
Clearly, their relationship was not healthy, and everyone in the building had to put up with their annoying problems. And that’s not even the worst part—Jerry had a bunch of other tendencies that were just plain inconsiderate.
He would flush things down the toilet that weren’t supposed to be flushed and the sewage would back up into my bathtubs and sinks. One time, he clogged his toilet so badly that he just ripped it from the wall and left it there.
But the most inconsiderate thing he’s done is break into my apartment while I was at work to measure my walls for the “renovation” he was going to do. He wanted to combine his unit and my unit into one. I told him I didn’t want to do that, but he said I could just live with him when it was all finished.
Eventually, Jerry got evicted, but he would still convince people to let him into the building. For months, his mugshot was posted on all entrances saying to not let him in. Story credit: Reddit / TracingBroads