Real Life People Share the Worst Experiences With Their Neighbors

There’s Nothing to Worry About


Our neighbor used to stand on the footpath intoxicated every afternoon and yell to my husband about what a horrible person I was. It all started one day when he called us to check why my husband’s car was home on a workday.

I politely thanked him for his call and let him know my husband was sleeping and had a cold.  There was nothing to worry about, but that didn’t stop him from making things worse.

Apparently, I was meant to praise him profusely for being such a caring neighbor, and my husband was meant to follow up with a call once he was awake and also lavish him with praise for caring. 

Because we didn’t, we got to hear about it loudly every afternoon until we moved several months later. Story credit: Reddit / Macadamiaicecream

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