Real Life People Who Colossally Messed Things Up

They Took Everything


I was traveling across the states with my friends and six days in, we got to Miami. Our trip was pretty amazing for the most part, we got drunk in Wet Willies and met a couple girls and we decided at 3 AM that it was a good idea to go skinny dipping. Later we learned that this was not the best idea whatsoever. We all got naked and ran into the sea, leaving EVERYTHING on the beach. We got out of the sea after playing around for a while and someone had stolen all of our stuff. They took absolutely everything. I lost my wallet with $300 in it, my iPhone, my passport, and not to mention ALL of my clothes. As if that wasn’t punishment enough for our stupidity, we all had to run back to our hostel naked which was a good mile away. I still got laid. But I’m an idiot. CrazyRxx_ard

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