Real Life People Who Colossally Messed Things Up

Tainted Meat


Once, I made my company throw away 46,000 lbs. of ham. That kind of mistake is something that you don’t really ever live down. It all happened because I accidentally dropped my screwdriver into a vat full of ham when it slipped out of my hand and it got stuck in an auger and chipped a piece of the handle off. Since the piece was plastic and very soft we obviously couldn’t use a metal detector or an x-ray to find it and remove it since the hams are so thick once cooked. After a few moments of brainstorming for a solution, it was decided that there wasn’t any way to safely remove the plastic piece. So the whole batched had to be completely discarded. I guess they sold their tainted meat to dog food companies so it wasn’t super bad but still an expensive mistake to make. gen3stang

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