Real Life People Who Colossally Messed Things Up

He Cost Me My Savings


I didn’t know it would be a mistake yet when I planned this, but my ex cheated on me for three months before we were supposed to get married. Once I found out, we had sunk quite a bit of money into a house we bought together. A house neither of us could pay for on their own. So, we had to sell that and I’m pretty sure we made a little more than we bought it for, but we put way more money into it with a new kitchen and shower, and other stuff. We had bought furniture which could only be partially returned. The rest was sold via eBay and maybe returned half of what we paid for it. Then there was the cost of the wedding. We already had a venue that had a cancellation fee. We both already had a wedding outfit. We already bought tons of small decorative stuff. None of it could be returned. So much of that we had to pay to cancel. It was horrible. Altogether, I think this cost me a little over $20k. And I was only 24 at the time, so, pretty much all of my savings was gone! HansjeHolland

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