Real Life People Who Colossally Messed Things Up

I Was Just Trying to Help


When a “good” friend of mine who I worked under had cancer and wasn’t able to pay some bills, I loaned her $200 just to help out. I was only 18 years old at the time and I felt bad because she had kids. It was right around the holidays and I just wanted to help however I could and be a good person in life. She promised to pay me back when she could. Turns out she totally lied about having cancer at all, was embezzling money from the company I worked at, scammed some of my other coworkers, and would come in after skipping work for her “chemo” to make fraudulent returns while I was overseeing the store by myself because of her absence. I eventually got her fired and got promoted to her position, so it all worked out in the end. Bigfatsmelly

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