Real Life People Who Colossally Messed Things Up

The Worst Greeting Possible


What I thought was the perfect start to a work day ended up being one of the most embarrassing moments I’ve had in recent memory. I woke up without an alarm, had a delicious and nutritious breakfast, took a warm bath, and drove a half hour to my work feeling great. I even thought to myself on the way, “Lucky me, the traffic is very nice today.” I should have known then that something was wrong and I should have turned my car around when I still had the chance. Everything was totally looking up for me, and it just seemed to be the perfect day. Just when I arrived, the security greeted me with the worst words possible: “Good morning, sir, working even over the holiday?” I drove all the way home kicking myself and then had a nap. Talk about having a productive day. kairosaevum

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