Real Life Plot Twists that Happened in the Courtroom

Goodbye Jury Duty


Not a lawyer but was called for jury duty. I, along with about sixty of my peers, were shuffled into a courtroom so the defense attorney and the prosecuting attorney could pick a jury.

We got an explanation of the process and stuff from the judge, then he read a list of names and asked if anyone in the group knew anyone on the list.

One young guy raises his hand and when asked, says, “Yeah, John Smith? He was in my math class senior year and came in one day and told everyone he robbed a 7-Eleven.”

Welp, our day of jury duty ended pretty much right there. I guess John Smith was the defendant and was in court that day up against charges relating to the armed robbery of a convenience store. We were all escorted out and sent home. Story credit: Reddit / notquiteajuror

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