Real Life Plot Twists that Happened in the Courtroom

Friends in High Places


A client came to his office and flat out told him they were putting on a show trial, and the client wanted my friend to represent him because of his military background. This person claimed that the case had to be 100% prepared to go to trial, but that it would be thrown out before that happened.

The case was prepared, court proceedings began, motions were filed, etc. This went on for months, and it really seemed like trial was inevitable.

Finally some attorney for the state, whom no one had heard of, and whose name was not written on any documents, barged into the courtroom. This attorney handed the judge a paper and the case was immediately thrown up without any real explanation.

I assume the defendant probably had some serious connections, but it still seems strange to me, and why they wanted an attorney with a military background was never clear. Story credit: Reddit / fghnhff

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