Real Life Plot Twists that Happened in the Courtroom

Do You Believe in Santa Claus?


During Law School, I was a member of a legal clinic. We represented low income individuals, under the supervision of a licensed attorney/professor. We handled family law issues, but would try to point clients in the right direction if we could not personally help them.

One man came in and stated that he wanted to sue Best Buy. Which is not uncommon, but why he wanted to sue BestBuy was different. See this man said he purchased a refurbished computer from BestBuy, for his daughter, as a Xmas present.

BestBuy had neglected to remove the previous owner’s password screen and thus, this man and his daughter were unable to access the computer until they took it back to Bestbuy, which was understandably closed on Xmas day.

This, he said, caused his 12 year old daughter to begin to the question the very existence of Santa Claus. He and his daughter then argued the rest of the day, until finally he admitted to her that there was (Spoiler Alert) no Santa Claus.

His words were “seeing your daughter lose faith in Santa ruined all Xmas’s to come.” What was more interesting is the amount of damages he requested. He stated he believed that BestBuy owed him “at least 25 million” because Xmas was ruined, his daughter will never believe in Santa again.

I did not believe he had a any type of recourse against BestBuy for inadvertently demolishing his Daughter’s belief in Santa, but even if I did, our clinic could not help him. I informed him that we only handled family law issues, and he should call the local Bar Association’s lawyer referral service.

He stated the Bar Association already told him they would not take his case.Then he proceeded to ask if I had children. I told him I did not. Then he proceeded to wish that all my future kids have their belief in Santa Claus ruined. He stated he would not help me, if that happened.

The whole time I was wondering how this guy’s daughter believed in Santa Claus til age 12. Story credit: Reddit / A167

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