Real Life Plot Twists that Happened in the Courtroom

Justice is Blind


I used to work at a firm that did workers comp bad faith, and then also did maritime personal injury plaintiff’s work. The best stories come from the maritime guys. I’m not a lawyer, and this was before my time, but it was one of those stories that just got told about crazy clients.

One guy was hurt offshore, legit injury but drilling company won’t settle, so it goes to trial. The guy is from some small rural town in East Texas and that is where the trial is set. During one of his depositions, our client shows up in a t-shirt that has a silhouette of a woman dangling from a stripper pole.

At the bottom there is text that says ‘I support single mothers’. Perfect, just what we need for a video deposition. Later, if I’m not confusing two clients, we go to trial, and right as it’s about to start the client goes,

“I was hoping we didn’t get this judge” and our lawyer thinks that is strange and asks him why he hoped that. Apparently, our client killed the judge’s nephew or something during a breaking and entering via the stand your ground/ castle doctrine a few years prior.

It was a huge case in this little small town and it was something the client neglected to mention at any point prior. Perfect. Great thing to know as trial is beginning. We won the case. Still not sure how. Story credit: Reddit / gcbeehler5

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