Real Life Plot Twists that Happened in the Courtroom

That’s Not How Any of This Works


A company wants me to “patent” their competitor’s slogan, arguing it has no trademark registration.

When I explained them a slogan is not protectable by patent, that slogans cannot be deposited for trademark registration, and that patents and trademarks are two very distinct forms of monopoly, they asked me apply for a “a generic intellectual property” over the slogan.

I then proceeded to explain there is no generic Intellectual Property, and that although there would be ways to protect that subject matter, not every IP right is acquired through registration. This means, as I explained, the competitor holds protection over the slogan.

Moreover, I explained that their request is majorly unlawful. They did not budge. I ended up explaining them about ethics, and being very firm about refusing to honour their request. Our contract is now rescinded. Story credit: Reddit / Caucasian_Male

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