Real Life Plot Twists that Happened in the Courtroom

Get You Paid


Car A was traveling at the speed limit when Car B tried to make a left turn in front of them. They misjudged basically everything and caused the accident.

Police on the scene found the driver of Car B at fault and established Car A made more than a reasonable effort to avoid the accident based on tire marks and witnesses. Car B’s insurance settled all claims. So why the trial?

The passenger of Car A was suing the driver of Car A. He was her boyfriend, at the time, and her baby’s daddy. She broke her front teeth when she face planted into the dash because she wasn’t wearing a seat belt. That fact was highly in contention.

She adamantly insisted she was but the boyfriend admitted on the stand she was not and they had lied to the police about it to avoid a ticket. The most bizarre point was after the two women that were in Car B testified in the plaintiff’s favor, they walked over to her and hugged her.

My ex heard her say “don’t worry baby girl. We gonna git you paid.” They however did not get her paid. Story credit: Reddit / Rmanager

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