Real Life Plot Twists that Happened in the Courtroom

It’s a Miracle!


We were going to a settlement conference with the plaintiff and a federal magistrate. I walked in with my client, the defendant, and we were sitting at a conference table, the magistrate and a court reporter came in, then the plaintiff who was alleging permanent disability due to damage to both knees.

He had been deposed and swore he could only walk with crutches. The magistrate doesn’t even start the conference, he wants to see both counsels in his office. I’m thinking what the hell is this about.

Magistrate informed us the on the way to his office he was crossing the street. A young man he identified as the plaintiff walked briskly past him carrying his crutches. The reserve on the case was $300k, saved a bunch that day. Story credit: Reddit / Imnotmyself125

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