Real Life Plot Twists that Happened in the Courtroom

Settlement Rebound


My family member sued me for taking down their website. I created the website. I hosted the website. I had no problem doing it since they were family and it ran on my server. Unfortunately, they got too much traffic. They started being very hostile to my parents. I took down their site.

I sent them a letter about how families should treat one another with a passworded zip of all their files. The password was at the bottom of the letter so they had to read it to receive it.

Got sued for six figures. They were pulling in at most $300 a month. They said that I did irreputable damage to their site and that they couldn’t get the site online because it was impossible. In court, they brought the whole database printed out.

When they showed it to me on the stand, I laughed because I told the judge, that’s all the information that they said they couldn’t receive or open. All the counts were in my favor. Best part was prior to our court session, my lawyer suggested highly that we settle out of court.

I offered $10,000. They didnt’ take it. After they lost, their lawyer asked if we could just settle on the amount from settlement. My lawyer told them to get lost. It was glorious. Story credit: Reddit / RandomFromHawaii

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