Real Life Plot Twists that Happened in the Courtroom

Seeking Refuge


A couple of years back I was assisting a client in a matter relating to his refugee visa. He had fled almost two decades before, following an unlawful, ethnically motivated imprisonment of himself and other family members, which resulted in the death of his father.

By the time the client and I met, he had sustained a brain injury amongst other things, and so was difficult to talk to. Said refugee client turned out to be the godson of the former president of the country that he fled from. Said president was directly responsible for a genocide.

During initial consultations, he did mention his family members – including his godfather – by name but just failed to point out that he was, in fact, the president.

As I continued researching the other family names he’d given me, one after another turned out to be a high-level instigator of that genocide. Some were convicted, some still have outstanding warrants for arrests by an international criminal court tribunal.

It was shocking, to say the least. In the end, I just did my job the best I could and left it up to the court. Story credit: Reddit / nttdnbs

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