Real Life Plot Twists that Happened in the Courtroom

Police Pizza


When I was in law school I clerked with a solo practitioner. Our client wanted to go to trial over a charge of impersonating a police officer. What happened that led up this?

One night our client got drunk and ordered a pizza for delivery. Now, I’ve been there before, it can be frustrating to wait forever for that glorious, delicious pizza, especially in an inebriated state of mind.

Well, this guy’s genius idea to speed things up for himself was to call the pizza place back and tell them he was a police officer and if they don’t hurry it up there would be trouble.

However, as it turns out, the guy who answered the phone at the pizza joint was a volunteer firefighter and asked for our client’s name because he knew all the police officers in that town.

When our client gave him his real name (derp), and inevitably it turned out that he was not, in fact, a police officer, a small investigation led to him being charged.

Before trial our client wanted us to argue he had a First Amendment right to tell people was a cop (he doesn’t). Story credit: Reddit / Agent–Orange

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