Real Life Plot Twists that Happened in the Courtroom

The Parent Trap


I was doing an armed robbery trial, where we had the defendant’s DNA linking him to the crime. Now, putting on DNA evidence is no small task;

You have to put on every link in the chain, and I had to sweet talk 2 retired officers to come out of retirement to testify and a scientist who was carrying the Special Olympics torch on trial day.

And not only is it serious work to get all the evidence presented, but then you have to explain and argue the science. And it was my first time.

I felt like I had climbed Everest when I finally rested my case, and then the defense attorney turned to his client as though he was being told a secret and exclaimed dramatically: “ oh you DO?! You have an IDENTICAL TWIN??!!”

I knew defendant had a brother… and that was it. The defense’s case consisted of bringing in defendants little old mother who presented little old photograph of her 2 boys from when they were toddlers, dressed in matching pajamas and sitting on Santa’s lap. That was the entire defense.

And it was enough for reasonable doubt. I lost that one. Story credit: Reddit / pinkandperjurous

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