Balance of the Universe

As a paramedic, one Reddit user discovered that fate is always looking to restore the balance of the universe. This became apparent when they saved a patient who nearly died, but soon encountered one of their loved ones who wasn’t so lucky.
“I’m a medic and one morning we had a call for an older woman, 70s if I remember right. She was having cardiac issues and was in compensated shock from a very low heart rate. From the time we got to her home to the time we were in the ambulance, she had gotten much worse. We paced her heart, and she was doing good the rest of our hour ride to the hospital.
About 16 hours later we get called for a rollover car accident. Get there and we have one male in the vehicle, unresponsive. The vehicle is upside down off the road. We get him out, he is in very bad shape. Wasn’t breathing, so we intubated him and off to the hospital we went.
We’re almost to the hospital, which is 30 miles away, and he goes into traumatic cardiac arrest. He was gone by the time we got to the hospital.
While we were on the way to the hospital we found his wallet, since we didn’t know who he was. Saw his badge: retired police officer and I remember from the morning, our patient’s husband was a retired officer.
He was on his way to see his wife. Unfortunately, he stopped somewhere else first first.
While it wasn’t my job, I went with the nurse to talk to the wife and let her know what happened. She thanked me for being there for her family so much that day.”