No College Required

In 2008, Reddit user WeWorkWonders found himself down on his luck, so he went looking for better opportunities in the land down under and what he found was so much better than anything he could have imagined.
“When the economy crashed in 2008 I lost my house, job, girlfriend, car broke down, and dog died all within a span of 2-3 months. No one would hire me (I didn’t complete college) and I didn’t have a “trade” or “skill.” I was broke, jobless and living at my parents at age 30 and very depressed. I sold off the broken car and used it pay for a one way flight to Australia (where the economy was good and I heard min wage was $15 hr).
I arrived with two duffel bags, no home, no job but confidence to get some job to last me until I could afford to fly home… At the least. Ended up getting a job. And upgrading jobs continually for 6 years. I’m now back in USA as sale director for a software company. I earn nearly 7x more than my wage when I left for Australia. All without a college degree.”