Permanent Disability

Being injured at work and ending up on permanent disability is the last thing most people want. But Reddit user longleglady was making the best out of a bad situation and best of all, the boss she despised got what she deserved.
“I was transferred to a division, within a few months my new supervisor and I hated each other. She was incompetent and I spoke up when she screwed up. She made my life difficult and finally decided to give me a job that she thought would make me quit.
I packed up my stuff in a box and asked for help moving to my new desk, she said she didn’t have anyone to spare. I was carrying my box and didn’t see a spill on the floor, ironically, just outside her office. I slipped, fell, and broke my knee.
I am on permanent disability, very legitimately, received a huge settlement, lifetime healthcare, retired early. She was demoted, then fired, partially due to the way she handled my case.
This all happened a few years ago, recently when my husband and I were grocery shopping, I saw her in the store. I didn’t want to see her, but my husband caught her eye and gave her a big “thumbs up”. She looked furious.”