Green With Envy

When Reddit user deadtomsdead started flirting with her cousin’s high school crush, the envious cousin retaliated and told everyone she was a teen bomber on the rampage to get him to lose interest in her. But in the end, she was the one who had the last laugh.
“I was a little goth girl in high school and secretly had a mad crush on an upper classman that was a wrestler and did cross country. My cousin, who was Miss Socialite, also had a crush on him and hit on him constantly. He and I were complete opposites. We rode the same bus and I was pretty sure I was invisible to him.
So one day his friends start picking on me, he gets up from the front of the bus, moves to where his buddies and I are, sits down next to me, throws his arm around me, and they stop. This ticks off my cousin as he and I become friends and he constantly ignores her advances. She later on goes on to have me expelled by saying I had a bomb and was going to blow up the school because she didn’t like this.
This ruined every friendship I had, except the one with my/her crush. He and I remained friends even after he moved away and then closer friends when he moved back. Today he and I are going on 4 years together, we bought a house and car, had a daughter, and are working on plans to build our next and probably permanent home. 10 years later the cousin is still greener than a Granny Smith apple.”