Real Life Plot Twists that Made People Change the Whole Course of Their Lives

Not the Father


Most people grow up assuming that the man that raised them is in fact their father, but Reddit user GO-Kart discovered that his mother had lied to him for years about the man who pretended to be his old man.

“Up until I was 9, I thought my step-dad was my real dad. Parents got a divorce and I was pretty torn up. I wanted to live with my step-dad, but I couldn’t, and my mom wouldn’t tell me why. One day, I was going through my moms stuff (I was a nosey little bastard) and found a newspaper article for my father’s obituary. He died in a car crash when he was 24, and I was barely 18 months old when it happened. I still to this day don’t know why she lied to me about it, and I don’t even know if I should ask.”

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