Rich Like Him

Reddit user captdet’s friend had made a horrible mistake picking his first wife, who just wanted him for the money. But when he found love again, he discovered that his new fiancée was also harboring a secret.
“Bill was a self-made millionaire by the time he was 18 yrs old. That was in the mid-eighties. He has been one of my best and certainly most influential friends. 25 yrs ago he married a girl that I did not like or trust. I told him as much but he married her anyways. A few years ago she ran off with a guy she met at a ROLLER-SKATING rink. He apparently wooed her with his zooming around or whatever and Bill was single again.
He met a girl and insisted I meet her. Bill remembered that I had not approved of his ex. We met for lunch at one of those awful buffets. This girl was BEAUtiful. She used English like a scalpel. Working on a PhD. She was awesome.
But I noticed little things about her. She had obviously been to finishing school. Then why did she have fingernail polish on her cuticles and a dress from a 1985 resale rack. There was just a lot of details that didn’t add up and Bill was getting ready to marry her. I told Bill that I thought she was hiding something but I didn’t care. This gal was high class and high bred. I told him she was great.
Bill hadn’t met her parents till the wedding. It was at their beach house in Destin. It turns out that she was richer than he was, and kept it quiet until the wedding because she didn’t want anyone marrying her for her money. Ironic.”