Real Life Plot Twists that Made People Change the Whole Course of Their Lives

Sick Boyfriend


Reddit user ifyouwanttosingout was having a great time with her boyfriend in the UK, but he got sick just as she was about to head back to the US to attend college. She was then forced to choose between her education and her man.

“Was visiting my long distance boyfriend, having a great time. He got the flu and I thought that really sucked, our last week together being spent with him being too sick to get out of bed. Then two days before I was supposed to go back to America (he lives in England) he had to be admitted to the ICU and the doctors told his dad and I that he might not make it.

They said we should call any family or friends in case they needed to say goodbye. I had a flight home planned, it was the end of winter break and I was supposed to be at college the next week, but I had always said I’d be there for him and I meant I was going to be there for him. I canceled my flight, took leave from school, his wonderful dad let me stay at the house.

I visited my partner everyday, it was like a full time job. I doubt he knew I was there, but the doctors said that sometimes patients can hear you so I had to try. I went in and held his hand and read to him until the nurses kicked me out (I usually was able to stay for an extra hour of visiting time if they had nothing they needed to do immediately).

After 7 weeks he was moved to the HDU, two days later to the general ward, and two weeks later he was home. When I saw him without a ventilator connected to him I felt like I was going to explode, I was so relieved. He said he was surprised that I didn’t go back to school. I’m going to graduate a year late, but there is no way graduating on time would have been worth not being by his side. He’s my partner and I’m going to be there when he needs me. That’s how it works.”

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