Revenge Tactic

Reddit user Miroudias had the worst father ever. As if having a deadbeat dad wasn’t bad enough, his father lived next door to him and didn’t even acknowledge he was his son. But if you think that’s sad, wait until you find out what this Redditor discovered about his father when he dug around a big deeper.
“I never really knew my father growing up. Sadly, he lived right next door for most of my adolescent life. There is exactly one time I remember him acknowledging me. I was standing on my front porch and he was going up the steps and into is. I was a kid. I waved. He waved back. That is the only contact I remember with my father as a child.
Still though, I’ve always wondered about him. It hasn’t really ever been about anger or anything, but more so why he chose not to want me. I’ve wondered about him for over 15 years.
Way back in the day they released a bike called the Sonic 6. It was a glorified Huffy w/ a big blue shield on the front and a gear stick in the dead center to change gears. I got it for my birthday and of course I was ecstatic. That thing was so cool.
As luck would have it, as I was riding w/ a friend a guy walking past me the opposite way cold cocked me and knocked me straight off the bike. I got sucker punched like you wouldn’t believe. The dude was huge. Like obese huge. I was a kid, how powerful was I? The guy simply jumped on my brand new bike, told me to stay down and peddled off. I chased him, but I didn’t get very far. He was gone in a flash.
15 years late I learned that my real father had paid that guy to beat me up and steal my bike as a revenge tactic against my mother. I mean, what kind of person does that? What kind of father does that?
Sad, really.”