37+ Real Life Plot Twists That No One Saw Coming

Seeing Double


“We were living in Florida at the time and my Dad goes to the eye doctor because he is seeing double. In all other respects he’s healthy. He explains his symptoms to the doctor. This was the early 2000’s. The doctor picks up a medical book on eye problems. The doctor shows him the book.

In the book there is a whole medical page explaining what he is experiencing and a picture of a kid from the 1960’s. My Dad looks at the picture and says ‘Doc, thats me!’ The doctor says ‘Yes, those are the symptoms you are showing.’ My Dad says ‘no really that’s me in the picture!’ The Doctor was confused. ‘Sir, this is a young boy from Florida 40 years ago. It’s my understanding you grew up in Cuba.’

My dad dropped it but then later called his mom to tell her the story. After a long pause, she revealed that my dad had a twin brother whom she sent away at birth. She couldn’t look after two new babies and she thought he’d have a chance for a better life in the States. The eye condition was genetic, my dad had just got it much later in life. A few months later, my dad reunited with his identical twin brother. Talk about seeing double!”

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