37+ Real Life Plot Twists That No One Saw Coming

Confessing Her Love


u/IZ3820: “For backstory, I was in love with my best friend for a long time, but something was always in the way, be it my SO or his. We had dated once, but it didn’t end very well. I was going to a party with a mutual friend of ours, and he told me that my best friend was going to propose to this girl I couldn’t stand that night. He told me where he was going to propose, so I rushed there to stop him; proclaim my love for him, you know how it goes.

When I get up there, I see that he has everything set up; candles, rose petals, the NYC skyline, everything that would make a girl melt. I pick up a piece of paper he had placed on the ground, read it, and when I look up, he’s down on one knee, proposing to ME.”

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