37+ Real Life Plot Twists That No One Saw Coming

You Look Familiar


u/FabricateReality: “Right after high school graduation, I met a girl in a pool hall who had the exact same name as my mother (it was Jacqueline, for the record.) We were both born and raised in the same mid-sized city. I didn’t think much of it beyond the obvious ‘oh that’s a completely coincidental happenstance!’. Fast forward two or three months, her and I are dating hot and heavy. Meet her parents, and her dad ‘swears’ he’s met me before.

Couple weeks later, I go to visit the gf at work, and am greeted with the following: ‘So, i know why my dad thinks you look familiar. Turns out, he dated your mom in high school, then named his daughter after her. :/’ MFW i realize that my high school-aged mother was so good at SOMEthing, this man named his daughter after her: :/”

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