37+ Real Life Plot Twists That No One Saw Coming

Lost and Found


u/dromedarian: “When I was a kid I went deep sea fishing with my dad and some uncles and cousins, etc. We had 2 boats out a mile or two, I don’t remember exactly how far. Anyhow, I’m not very good at fishing – or holding things I guess – because I went to cast, and I threw my fishing pole overboard. Everybody had a good laugh, someone loaned me a different pole, and we continued fishing.

A couple of hours later, we go back to shore. We can’t get to the docks, though, because there’s a boat race going on. We have to wait around for a while. One of my cousins decides to pull out his fishing pole to alleviate the boredom, even though everyone knew he wouldn’t catch anything. Except he did catch something: my fishing pole.”

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