Real Life Red Flags That Marked a Turning Point in These Relationships

Pulling the Plug


I didn’t realize I was logged in to her Facebook. She had used my computer and we had a lot of mutual friends. At one point, I got a message from one of her friends asking how it went last night. When I opened the conversation, my jaw dropped. 

Her friend was excited to find out if she stayed behind and if he finally saw my exes’ underwear. It took a minute for everything to sink in.

I went for a run and waited for her to wake up. We broke up in an amicable conversation and I didn’t tell her what I had found out.

As far as I know, she still has no idea what prompted me to end it. We had been together for three years and we were both miserable.

I wasn’t angry; I was just surprised that it came down to a Facebook message for us to pull the plug. Branquignol

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